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TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue


【Reporter Andys compiled the report】

TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue. The fact is, this is a ban on any current or future successful technology owned by a potential adversary and, let’s not make any mistake about it, China, where the ownership of TikTok’s parent company sits, is considered to be the major adversary, for now and for no other reason than the fear that they may be.

Mud in the water is being stirred up because, the 「dreaded ccp」 could get its hands on the data collected by TikTok and who knows what they could do with that, probably the same as they do with the data they Can collect from our use of digitally connected fridges, cars, cranes, mobile phones, laptops, computers and anything else that’s connected, even though there’s no evidence anywhere that they might.

ByteDance has set up a separate company to comply with US laws, it houses all its data in the US, under US corporate supervision. It employes international, not Chinese, experts to run the company and the CEO, who has the 「misfortune」 to be of Chinese origin, has testified under oath that he is not affiliated with, nor has he ever been a member of the Communist Party, he’s testified under oath that he’s never been asked to provide information to the Communist Party of China and that, if asked, he would not comply.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, it isn’t about data protection, if it were, the US would need to completely isolate themselves from the rest of the world to protect their data, even Google and Meta, two of the largest 「data collection corporations」 in the world have not faced the same scrutiny. Meta was fined billions last year by the Irish government for a massive data breach because they transferred data to the US where Data Protection Laws are not strong enough.

In The Cambridge Analytica court case, where Facebook data was used to sway the results of an election, two senior engineers admitted, they don’t even know where Meta’s data is all stored.

Google is even more interesting, it has data storage centres all over the world including three in Asia, one of which is in Taiwan. They were also themselves charged but settled for almost half a billion dollars in the USA and fined in France for data protection breaches.

Bytedance received a fine over illegal medical advertising but as far as can be ascertained in this research has never been charged over data breaches.

Obviously, the issues with TikTok are not about data protection, there are already laws to protect data, Bytedance and TikTok have complied with them and have responded to every request by the US government to satisfy their insecurities.

What it is really about is far deeper than a national (in)security issue, it’s much more about a recognition, without any admission, that the very fabric of their society is in the process of being torn apart. The latest allegations to emerge prove this.

The same allegation has arisen in the UK too, China, through Douyin, the Chinese version, is apparently pushing teenagers toward educational and cultural content whereas TikTok, is directing the British and American youth towards addictive content designed to erode ambition and motivation.

The truth is, Douyin in China has similar content, it has bad dancing, lip-synching, make-up and other frivolous content and those videos are pushed out to people who enjoy watching them. But it also has a huge number of viewers interested in maths, space exploration, scientific experiments and they are promoted to viewers who enjoy watching them too.

It isn’t a stereotype to say that Chinese kids are more interested in these kinds of topics, take a look at any university program in the West and they will be filled with Asian kids getting Bachelor degrees, Masters and PhDs. Since long before TikTok and social media existed, Chinese kids were already filling those courses. The US Government told us this In 2007, China surpassed the United States as the world’s largest producer of natural sciences and engineering doctoral degrees. By 2020, the number from China and India had eclipsed the USA.

TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue
TikTok being banned in the USA is not the issue

What has really taken place is not a Chinese plot to dumb down America, it’s a stated fact that the US is dumbing itself down, the National Centre for Educational Statistics reports there has been a decline in maths and reading as well as an increase in students seeking mental health services. While these problems have accelerated since the Covid Pandemic, they were identified well before. It seems TikTok’s algorithms are merely responding to the needs and desires of Americans in the same way they are responding to the needs and desires of Chinese viewers by providing them exactly what they want.

Putting education aside, the USA has found itself in what Queensland University of Technology Adjunct Professor Warwick Powell calls an Auto-immune deficiency, its own policies are eating away at the health of its society and systems. They want free speech; therefore, they don’t want legislation to protect their young people. They criticise China for 「censoring」 the internet but then criticise China’s social media for not allowing the dumbing down of its youth.

The USA has a generation addicted to social media but criticises China for limiting the time young people can spend on social media. Something MIT referred to as an 「Escalating war on kids screen time」.

What China has done is sensibly controlled and efficiently managed what kids can do online, what the US has done has created the conditions for the decline of its own society and would now like to blame the one country that’s done the opposite.

The US legislation to ban foreign ownership of social media will probably succeed and this is a bad thing. Bytedance (not the CPC) will need to make a decision. Sell, fight through the legal system, or close down and stop operating in the USA.

If Bytedance sells to a US corporation, it will not improve data security, it will not improve the quality of videos available to their young people, it will not turn around the decline in educational standards and it will not reduce social media addiction.

If Bytedance pulls out, their politicians will lose a lot more than the credibility that’s already bubbling down the drain; they will lose the votes of a great many young people. The US already has laws to protect data, it can create laws to improve what’s online and by doing so would reverse a worrying societal decline. That would however, meet intense resistance from US social media operators.

One must wonder whether the lawmakers themselves have been dumbed down to a point where common sense no longer prevails!




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香飄書情揮筆蘊 玲傳畫意灑墨展 台灣藝韻綻放廣州中博會

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世界和平親善會六週年慶典盛大舉行 兩岸和平交流再展新篇

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Cavendish與Froome共襄盛舉日月潭賽事 親身體驗台灣原住民文化

【記者 吳致剛 南投報導】  11月30日,L'ÉTAPE環法自行車挑戰賽台灣站首次於日月潭舉行。本次賽事特別邀請到兩位世界級的自行車傳奇選手——被譽為史上最偉大的自行車衝刺選手、環法35站單站冠軍得主「曼島飛彈」Mark Cavendish,以及四屆環法總冠軍得主、英國籍的Chris Froome。兩位車壇巨星與來自全球32個國家的自行車好手同台競技,為賽事增添了耀眼光彩。  賽後,日月潭管理處與主辦單位特別安排這幾位世界冠軍車手搭乘日月潭纜車,前往九族文化村參觀。此行不僅讓他們從空中欣賞日月潭的美景,更讓他們深入體驗台灣獨特的原住民文化,並在緊湊的賽事後放鬆身心,感受台灣的風光與熱情。  九族文化村企劃部黃經理表示,能夠接待這些頂尖選手,感到非常榮幸。為了讓他們在短暫的時間內留下深刻印象,文化村特別安排了排灣族部落的迎賓儀式與文化體驗活動。細心的安排讓這些車手真切感受到了台灣人熱情的接待。  這些世界冠軍車手一早便搭乘纜車前往九族文化村,當日天氣晴朗,纜車上俯瞰的日月潭景色格外迷人。進入園區後,原住民歌舞隊伍用熱情的歌聲迎接他們,並恰逢部落的迎賓舞蹈和「刺福球五年祭」的體驗活動。特別的是,當Mark Cavendish與Chris Froome等貴賓加入舞蹈後,原住民以最高榮耀的方式,用擁有象徵意義的高舉方式抬轎迎接他們,表達對冠軍英雄的敬意。  Cavendish和Froome表現出濃厚的興趣,主動要求換上原住民服飾,體驗傳統文化,並拍攝了許多趣味照片。隨後,他們也參觀了排灣族的貴族婚禮,並體驗了用原住民方式背負女性同伴的傳統儀式。Cavendish透過翻譯表示,儘管時間短暫,但他們非常高興能感受到台灣人民的熱情,並學到了台灣原住民獨特的文化特色。  在參觀過程中,這些車手不僅對文化村內的景點感興趣,還展現出濃厚的冒險精神,向導遊表示希望體驗園內的遊樂設施。這讓導遊驚訝於他們充沛的精力。隨後,車手們參觀了西班牙海岸,搭乘無敵艦隊,並體驗了刺激的雲霄飛車。他們甚至挑戰了台灣最高85公尺的自由落體設施「UFO」,連續兩次體驗這項驚險設施,最後才依依不捨地搭乘纜車離開,結束這次愉快的行程。  在文化村參觀期間,也有許多參加日月潭自行車挑戰賽的選手和家屬認出這些世界頂尖車手,並熱情要求合照。遊客們紛紛表示,能與這些世界冠軍選手一同搭乘遊樂設施是一次難得的經歷。他們也表示,這些選手親切隨和,並希望他們回到英國後能將台灣的熱情與美景介紹給更多人。  此次活動不僅讓世界冠軍車手們有機會放鬆身心,更促進了台灣與世界各地自行車愛好者的交流,讓更多人見識到台灣的獨特魅力。